Saturday, September 11, 2010

postheadericon Dawne Prochilo

Dawne Prochilo is a freelance writer, online journalist, an ebook (erotic) romance author and reporter for a local newspaper in Michigan. She belongs to the WM Review Connection (, writes for Cafe Eden, associated content, Yahoo and AOL (Seed). She writes local feature stories for the Tuscola Advertiser ( and has recently started promoting fellow authors with social networking, press releases and guests appearances.


Heather M. Gardner said...

The Former FPR Authors have found your new blog page and your new FB page. --- It is my intention to continue to pursue you for the royalties that you owe me and the other authors that you scammed. If you had any kind of integrity at all you would be sending weekly emails to the group of your former FPR authors telling them exactly when and how much you will be paying them back. The fact that you can not even respond to emails without the threat of lawyers is just one more mark against you.

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